Female Sexual Dysfunction

Posted On: August 17, 2019

Female sexual dysfunction is not a much-talked about subject. Due to a host of cultural reasons, many women are not comfortable about discussing their sexual problems. Nevertheless, it’s a fact that around 43% of women suffer from some kind of sexual dysfunction. Let us study female sexual dysfunction so that if you have any problem in your sexual life, you can address it right away.

Sexual dysfunctions in women can be classified into several types depending on their symptoms and causes.

  • Desire disorders – These types of disorders occur due to lack of interest in sex. They are also known as libido disorders. They are caused by low levels of estrogen and testosterone. Hormonal changes, medical conditions like diabetes and heart disease can also cause low libido problems in women. There are certain psychological causes like sexual inhibitions, relationship problems, depression, fatigue, and fear too.
  • Arousal disorders – Due to disorders women find it difficult to feel aroused during sexual activities. Anxiety or inadequate stimulation are the main causes of this type of disorder.
  • Orgasm disorders – Also known as Anorgasmia, these involve the absence of orgasm or a very delayed one. There are plenty of reasons which make women suffer from this dysfunction, the main ones being lack of knowledge, stress, anxiety, pain during sexual activities, and hormonal changes.
  • Pain disorders – Pain during intercourse is the main symptom of this disorder. The causes of pain disorder are UTI, vaginismus, vaginal dryness, and hormonal changes.

More on Vaginismus – this is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions that women suffer from. It is a condition that involves a muscle spasm in the pelvic floor. Vaginismus makes it impossible to have sexual intercourse. Even the women cannot go for gynecological tests.

The vagina tightens up and makes it impossible to insert any object like penis, tampon or speculum due to involuntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles.

There are different types of vaginismus with varying symptoms. It causes pain and mental distress as the women suffering from it cannot lead a satisfying sexual life.

Vaginismus can be treated with medical intervention. Usually, a combination of medicines, counseling and coaching is enough to treat it.

If you are suffering from vaginismus, don’t feel shy to consult a doctor. A sexologist or a medical counselor may provide you with the right information to get rid of it.

Dyspareunia is the medical term for painful intercourse. It is a condition that occurs when having sexual intercourse. It causes persistent or recurring genital pain that can occur before, during or after intercourse. Around 20% of women in America suffer from this problem.

Dyspareunia is caused by structural as well as psychological problems. The symptoms are pain during penetration, deep pain during thrusting and throbbing pain after hours of having sex. If the causes of dyspareunia are vaginal dryness, fibroid or infection, medication will provide relief.

If you suffer from pain during lovemaking, consult a medical doctor such as a gynaecologist first. Depending on the cause, the doctors can suggest treatment. When dyspareunia is caused by trauma, sexual abuse or any other psychological reason, counseling and coaching can help.

Counseling can also help to cope with the emotional stress caused by any of the above mentioned sexual dysfunction. It is important for a woman to understand her sexual problems and seek medical help. Most dysfunctions can be treated if intervened in time. For sexuality counseling/ coaching/ support, you can hire me at www.underneaththemoon.com/services.


Beaumont Health | Types of Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women. Retrieved 16 December 2018 from https://www.beaumont.org/conditions/male-female-sexual-dysfunction-types

Female Sexual Dysfunction – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. Retrieved 16 December 2018 from https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/female-sexual-dysfunction

Painful intercourse (dyspareunia) – Symptoms and causes. (2018, January 12) Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/painful-intercourse/symptoms-causes/syc-20375967

Sexual Dysfunction & Disorders, Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved 16 December 2018 from https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9121-sexual-dysfunction

About Dr. Martha Tara Lee

Surrounded by friends who were sexually inhibited and struck by dire lack of positive conversations around sex and sexuality in Singapore, Dr. Martha Tara Lee set out to make a positive difference in embarking on her doctorate in human sexuality before launching Underneath The Moon in 2009. Today, she remains dedicated to working with individuals and couples who wish to lead self-actualised and pleasure-filled lives.

She also holds certificates in counselling, coaching and sex therapy, and her fourth degree – a Masters in Counselling in May 2018. In practice for more than 10 years, she is the only certified sexuality educator and certified sexuality educator supervisor by the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) in Singapore.

Often cited in the local media, Dr. Lee is the appointed sex expert for Men’s Health Singapore, and Men’s Health Malaysia. She was recognised as one of ‘Top 50 Inspiring Women Under 40′ by Her World in July 2010, and one of ‘Top 100 Inspiring Women’ by CozyCot in March 2011. She has published four books: Love, Sex and Everything In-BetweenOrgasmic YogaFrom Princess to Queen and {Un}Inhibited.

Martha works with individuals and couples in private coaching sessions, and conducts her own workshops. She takes prides in making sure all her workshops are also fun, educational, and sex-positive. This comes easily to her because even though she is extremely dedicated and serious about her work, she fundamentally believes that sex is meant to be fun, wonderful, amazing and sacred. As such, this serious light-heartedness has shone through again and again. For her full profile, click here. Email her here.


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